UI Design

Swapper is a fictional mobile application that allows users to trade their old unwanted items for other users items without the need for money. Users receive daily batches of items up for trade to help them match up with other users. The inspiration for this project came from my experiences in college when my income wasn’t the best and I could not afford to buy new things.

User Personas
In the beginning stages of this project I created user personas to better understand the types of users I am trying to reach with this mobile application. The two main types of users I defined are young professionals who have recently moved out on their own, and parents with young children. These users would most benefit from the Swapper app because most don’t have the resources to be spending money on brand new items.

UI Design
These were some of the finished screens for the application. As mentioned users receive daily batches which is the MVP of the application, however the app does contain additional features such as the chat feature to help users coordinate when and where the trade will take place.

Branding Design
In addition to designing the user interface for the app, I also created a brand identity system for the company. The colour blue was chosen to create a calming experience for the user, green was chosen because it represents change and growth (out with the old and in with the new), and Orange was chosen as an accent colour because it is lively and passionate.