
In addition to graphic design, I am also a formally trained photographer. I specialize in product photography but I do enjoy portraiture as well. The above image was created by holding the pieces of fruit together with a chop stick and editing it out in post production. Product photography has taught me to be very resourceful.

This image was created by photographing the lemon and the lime separately and then cutting and pasting them together in Adobe Photoshop. The above images are from a larger personal project I worked on about fruit combinations.

This image was taken for an academic assignment for a commercial photography class. At the time Wii was still pretty popular. The assignment was to light and photograph an electronic device. This lighting is natural and was created by strategically placing my lights and a reflector to create a gradient shadow on the side of the product.

This image was a personal project and once again I found myself being very resourceful to create this image. The “ice” is actually plastic diamonds which I found at the dollar store. The water droplets effect was created using a water and glycerin mixture.

This was an academic project which was to create a character portrait. I wanted to do a modern take on the 50’s house wife look. For this project I used coloured gels to cover the back light and create the red background and the lighting on the subject is what we refer to as loop lighting where the main light is positioned at a 45 degree angle, creating the little shadow under one nostril.

This image was another academic assignment where I was tasked with doing a photographer’s portrait. John-Paul (the model) was a classmate of mine and this project was an interesting challenge because as photographers we have a tendency to not like our picture taken. John-Paul was a team player and the Rembrandt lighting added the level of mystery I was going for.

This was an image I was fortunate enough to capture. Because of recent declines in monarch butterfly populations, my family raises these delicate butterflies every year to help the populations numbers. To capture this image I sat for hours waiting for the butterfly to emerge from it’s cocoon and dry out it’s wings before taking flight. This photo was captured with a short depth of field to achieve the blurred background.